1:1 Energy Healing & Inner Child Awakening

Energy Healing

What you will get in a session

Through Amira’s commitment to spiritual/yogic practices and continuous inner work, certain spiritual gifts have been unlocked within her, one being that of healing. With the opening of her Vajra Nadi (healing energy channel), Amira is considered to be a verified channel of healing. The Vajra Nadi works with the life force of the sun and the power from the earth, transmuting poison into nectar through touch and intention (working effectively in person and online).

Having her certification in Reiki, adds another layer to the healing, allowing her to be a unique channel for source flow to works its magic.

Sessions will vary from client to client.

$150 / 75 minute session
Bundle of 4 sessions for $500


What you will get in a session

During a session, we will activate and open the portal to your inner child healing, allowing you to meet and speak to your inner child, and initiate a release of the traumas and wounds from childhood that have been carried far too long.

Through the use of powerful yogic practices, meditation, and complimentary activities and exercises, you will walk away with a better understanding of who you are without the stories you’ve created around your identity based on childhood experiences, conditionings, and false senses of self.

It’s time to finally let go of the attachment to these stories of the past and open yourself up to limitless love and freedom. It’s time to say hello to your inner child, greeting him/her with open and loving arms.

$225 | 120 Minutes
Bundle of 4 sessions for $800

See the world through the eyes of your Inner Child. The eyes that sparkle in awe and amazement as they see love, magic, and mystery in the most ordinary things

- Henna Sohail